Thursday, January 30, 2020
Theoretical Positions of Jung, Adler, and Freud Essay Example for Free
Theoretical Positions of Jung, Adler, and Freud Essay Recently, there has been a debate on the subject of a statutory minimum wage. Different parties have different point of views about it. The unionists believe setting a higher amount can help to reduce the continuously increased wealth gap in Hong Kong, but the businessmen worry that it will increase the operating costs of their businesses. I will discuss the pros and cons of a statutory minimum wage in the following paragraphs. For the advantages, firstly, a minimum wage can force employers to offer reasonable salaries to their employees and give them guidelines on how rational salaries should be set. This can help to protect employees from being exploited. Secondly, the problem of income inequality can be addressed by increasing low-income groupsââ¬â¢ salaries so that it can help to promote social justice and greatly improve social harmony and stability. Moreover, the policy can encourage the unemployed citizens to rejoin the work force and thus reduce the burden on the government. Although there are many advantages of setting a minimum wage, there are some drawbacks too. The unemployment rate may rise after implementing the minimum wage law. Due to the increase of operating costs or production costs, some employers may lay off their staff. And it may discourage employees to improve their working attitude and skills as their wages are protected under the statutory minimum wage system, working incentive may thus become low. When we talk about the level of a statutory minimum wage, we have a lot to concerned about, for example, the economic situation, GDP etc. I think the living standard is very high in Hong Kong at present, so the level of a statutory minimum wage should be high enough to meet a familyââ¬â¢s daily expenses. At the same time, we should also consider the financial burden on the employers. If not, laying off staff or even closing down the businesses may be the result. The government, therefore, should consider all these issues, think twice and make a wise decision. From http://www. tkp. edu. hk/newsletter/archives/2610 News Point Secretary for Labour and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung ( ) explained how the members of the Provisional Minimum Wage Commission ( ) came to be agreed on the initial statutory minimum wage rate. According to him, they considered four main criteria: 1. it should not be too low; 2. it would not cause low-paid jobs to disappear in large numbers; 3. it would not inhibit economic development; 4. it would not significantly damage Hong Kongs competitive advantages. To protect labour rights, Hong Kong may need not only minimum wage legislation but also standard working hours legislation ( ). The Legislative Council has adopted a motion to call for the enactment of such a law. To encourage underprivileged citizens and low-income employees living in remote districts to find work or stay in employment, the government launched in 2007 a pilot transport support scheme (). Under the scheme, eligible citizens have been provided with time-limited transport allowances. The Labour Department ( ) is responsible for protecting other labour rights enshrined in various pieces of labour legislation (such as the Employment Ordinance ( )). Minimum wage a issue for people to decide: Hong Kong chief Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Chief Executive Donald Tsang on Friday continued to defend his decision not to legislate on the controversial minimum- wage issue in his latest Policy Address. Speaking on RTHK Friday, two days after presenting his Policy Address, Tsang said he did not want to see the issue dealt with in court as some legislators have said they would press ahead with plans to seek a judicial review after the government decided not to legislate for a minimum wage at the moment. It is a matter for the people to decide, not the courts, Tsang told a call-in radio show Friday morning. I think we should try to solve this matter amicably, in the community. Fundamentally it is not even the legislature and the government. It is a matter for the people, he added, in response to what he called a very strong union and labor voice on minimum wage. In Hong Kong, the arguments on minimum wage between the labor and the employers have lasted for many years but without consensus. The labor has always pressed ahead to legislate on minimum wage among the security and cleaners sectors in particular as soon as possible. But employers said in order to compete in a globalized economy, it is a remaining advantage for Hong Kong not to force employers to accept the deal via legislation. If this matter were pushed through the Legislative Council at the moment, Tsang said, it would be a very, very bloody fight there would be serious arguments over this, the community would be torn apart. In his policy address, Tsang proposed to launch a Wage Protection Movement for workers in the security and cleaning sectors. He promised to legislate on the minimum-wages issues two years later if the movement fails and employers are not paying market rates. ââ¬ËHong Kong lawmakers debate minimum wage CNN 14 Jul 10 Hong Kong lawmakers resumed debate Wednesday on a bill that may result in the regions first statutory minimum wage. The Minimum Wage Bill is a controversial piece of legislation that lawmakers hope will protect the most vulnerable workers in Hong Kong, one of the few places in the world without any sort of minimum wage law. The debate is set to take two to three days. A recent government survey showed that around half a million workers in Hong Kong earn less than $4 an hour. These include low-skilled workers from the catering, retail, and cleaning industries. According to Man Hon Poon, a policy researcher at the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union, the lack of legal protection for workers has led to serious exploitation. Workers in restaurants have to work for 12 hours or even 14 hours a day to earn a living, he said. They cannot even go to the cinema. Legislator Tommy Cheung, however, claims that the government should not interfere with the free market economy, which he says has served Hong Kong well in the past. A minimum wage could deter investors and lead to increased unemployment, said Cheung, who represents the catering industry. There is one fear within the industry, that they would have to close down, he said. When you see a closure, everyone loses out. The government first proposed the current bill in 2008 following a failed attempt at a voluntary minimum wage. Labor unions, however, have been lobbying for a minimum wage since 1998, following the Asian financial crisis. The rate of the minimum wage has also been under great debate. Trade unions have been demanding a minimum wage of $4 while employer groups have been asking for $3 per hour. If the bill passes this week, the rate of the minimum wage will be set by the Minimum Wage Commission, a consortium of trade union members, employers and scholars, in the coming months. Once the chief executive approves the rate, employers will have six months to implement the law. The Hong Kong government estimates that the earliest the minimum wage law may take effect is May 2011. http://edition. cnn. com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/07/14/china. hong. kong. minimum. wage/index. html? hpt=T2fbid=cFYYtTV0ap3 The Minimum Wage: An Unfair Advantage for Employers October 1989 â⬠¢ Volume: 39 â⬠¢ Issue: 10 â⬠¢ Print This Post â⬠¢ 1 comment Professor Boudreaux teaches economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Suppose you want to help the sellers of a specific product. One thing you might want to do is try to ensure that a buyersââ¬â¢ market for that good or service isnââ¬â¢t created. A buyersââ¬â¢ market is an economic situation that favors buyers over sellers. For example, everyone hopes that the real-estate market in his hometown will be a sellersââ¬â¢ market when the time comes to sell his house. No one wants to have to sell a house when real estate is in a buyersââ¬â¢ market. Nevertheless, people who advocate mini- mum-wage legislation to improve the lot of unskilled workers in effect support government creation of a buyersââ¬â¢ market as a way to help sellers of unskilled labor. Freely Moving Prices: The Great Equalizer Economics and common sense teach us that, other things being equal, as the price of a product rises, more units will be offered for sale but fewer units will be demanded by consumers. If a price is too low, there will be an excess demand for the good or service in question, and buyers will compete for the limited quantities available by offering higher prices to sellers. If a price is too high, there will be an excess supply, and sellers (who cannot sell all that they wish at the high price) will compete for customers by offering lower prices. So long as there are no government-imposed restrictions on prices, prices will tend to adjust in each market so that the quantities demanded will be equal to the quantities supplied. It is important to realize that prices change only when there are bargaining inequalities between buyers and sellers. Prices rise only when the amount demanded by buyers is greater than the amount supplied by sellers; prices fall only when the amount demanded by buyers is less than the amount supplied by sellers. Put another way, prices rise only when there is a sellersââ¬â¢ market, and prices fall only when there is a buyersââ¬â¢ market. The rise or fall of prices, however, eliminates the inequality of supply and demand and, thus, eliminates the conditions that people describe as sellersââ¬â¢ markets and buyersââ¬â¢ markets. Freedom of price adjustments ensures equality of bargaining power among buyers and sellers. Freely moving prices are the great equalizer. Employers compete for human labor services, like most things of value in a society based on private property in a market in which sellers and buyers engage in voluntary exchanges. Wage rates (in combination with other forms of compensation) are determined in the labor market. If this market isnââ¬â¢t hampered by government, wages will constantly adjust so employers and employees enjoy equal bargaining power. Of course, unskilled workers arenââ¬â¢t as productive as workers with greater skills, and so wage rates for skilled labor tend to be higher than wages for unskilled labor. It is a myth, however, that highly skilled workers enjoy greater bargaining power with employers than do workers with fewer skills. If wage rates are free to adjust to their market-clearing levels, unskilled workers will enjoy as much bargaining power as the most highly skilled workers, because freely moving wage rates adjust so that the amount of each type of labor demanded will tend to equal the amount supplied. Employers can have no bar gaining advantage over even the most unskilled workers if wage rates are free to move to the levels at which the amount of labor services demanded is equal to the amount supplied by workers. Freely moving wage rates are the great equalizer of bargaining positions among employers and employees. The Minimum Wage: The Great Unequalizer Minimum-wage legislation prohibits wages from falling low enough to equate the number of people seeking jobs with the number of jobs being offered. As a result, the supply of unskilled labor permanently exceeds the demand forââ¬â¢ unskilled labor at the government-mandated minimum wage. Minimum-wage legislation thus creates a buyersââ¬â¢ market for unskilled labor. And as in all buyersââ¬â¢ markets, buyers (employers) have an unequal bargaining advantage over sellers (unskilled workers). Consider, for example, a grocer. Suppose he decides that a clean parking lot will attract more customers, and that this will increase his sales by $10 per day. Of course, the grocer will pay no more than $10 a day to have his parking lot cleaned. He then investigates how best to get this done. Suppose there are two options available to him. One way is to hire a fairly skilled worker who can clean the parking lot in one hour, while the second way is to hire two unskilled workers who, working together, will get the job done in the same time. Other things being equal, the grocer will make his decision based upon the relative cost of skilled versus unskilled labor. Letââ¬â¢s assume the skilled worker will charge $6 an hour, while each of the unskilled workers will charge $2. 50 an hour. In a free labor market, the grocer will hire the two unskilled workers be-cause, in total, it costs him $5 per hour for the unskilled workers whereas it would cost $6 for the one skilled worker. But what will the grocer do if a minimum wage of $4 per hour is imposed? To hire the two unskilled workers will now cost him a total of $8 an hour. The skilled worker now becomes the better bargain at $6 an hour. Minimum-wage legislation strips unskilled workers of their one bargaining chip: the willingness to work at a lower wage than that charged by workers with more skills. The result is unemployment of the unskilled workers. Consider another effect of the minimum wage. Because there are more people who want jobs at the minimum wage rate than there are jobs to go around, employers have little incentive to treat unskilled workers with respect. If an employer mistreats an unskilled worker, the employer need not be concerned if the worker quits. After all, there are plenty of unemployed unskilled workers who can be hired to fill positions vacated by workers who quit. In addition, the permanent buyersââ¬â¢ market created by the minimum wage encourages employers to discriminate in their hiring and firing decisions on the basis of sex, race, religion, and so on. Suppose an employer has two minimum-wage jobs available, but there are ten unskilled workers who apply for the jobs. Bemuse the workers are prohibited from competing with each other on the basis of wage rates, other factors must determine which of the workers will be hired. If the employer dislikes blacks, and if there are at least two non-black workers who have applied for employment, no black workers will be hired. With a surplus of unskilled workers, there is no economic incentive to stop this bigoted employer from indulging his prejudices. Conclusion Minimum-wage legislation creates an excess supply of unskilled labor and gives the buyers of unskilled labor an unfair bargaining advantage over the sellers of unskilled labor. It is a fantasy to believe that the welfare of unskilled workers can be improved by such legislation. Unskilled workers shouldnââ¬â¢t be restricted to a permanent buyersââ¬â¢ market. Hong Kong Sets Minimum Wage At HK$28 Per Hour The citys new minimum wage finally has been released. The HK$28/hour base is roughly the cost of two cartons of milk, a fast food meal or four premium beers. Secretary for Labor and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said the new wage, set to come into effect May 1 if it passes the legislature, represented an average wage increase of 16. 9 percent affecting some 314,600 employees. The cost will be roughly HK$3. 3 billion. Tabled for discussion at the Legislative Council Wednesday, the new wage was a milestone in the protection of the rights of low-income workers and a hard-won achievement given the controversy amid the citys laissez faire system, Chief Executive Donald Tsang said. To offset the impact on the labor market, the Labor Department will improve employment services for the young, middle-aged and those with disabilities, he added. By the Minimum Wage Commissions estimates, the new minimum wage amounts to 48 percent of Hong Kongs median hourly wage during the second quarter of 2009. More than half (61. 4 percent) of the more than 314,000 workers expected to benefit from the new minimum wage are women. A quarter of those who will benefit are over the age of 65 and 18 percent work in a part-time capacity, Cheung said. On a sector basis, 35. 5 percent of workers are from security and cleaning companies while 19 percent work in restaurants and 16 percent in retail. Cheung said the impact on employment will be relatively mild, especially when viewed against the improving economic and labor market conditions. Shying away from commenting on concerns that employers would start cutting back on employee benefits to offset increases in costs due to the new wage, Cheung urged employers to communicate closely with their employees, particularly to have frank discussions [and to] work together. Unionist lawmaker Lee Cheuk-yan said he was disappointed with the rate saying it will be based on figures two years old before its implementation, adding HK$28 an hour was not enough to provide for a family. He favored the HK$33 an hour rate supported by employee groups. Commission chairwoman Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah said the commission does not think a HK$33 hourly rate was sustainable. She noted, half the burden would eat into company profits while the number of companies falling into the red would go up by 60 percent. She added those companies employed 120,000 workers. Catering lawmaker Tommy Cheung Yu-yan said the new wage would be difficult for smaller operators to bear, calling for government relief such as the waiver of licenses fees for one year and subsidies (RTTNews) Hong Kong will implement its first minimum wage rate, set at HK$28 per hour, from next year, the Secretary for Labor and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said Wednesday. The initial statutory minimum wage rate at 3. 61 per hour in U.S dollar terms will come into force on May 1, 2011. The rate was higher than that demanded by business, and less than the HK$33 favored by trade unions. Cheung said that the statutory minimum wage, which is totally new to Hong Kong, is intended to protect grassroots workers and ensure that the pay that they get is commensurate with the hours worked. Regarding the wage rate, Chief Executive Donald Tsang said that it has been a subject of controversy and it is also a milestone in our protection of the rights of low-income workers. The minimum wage ordinance notice 2010 will be published in the Gazette on November 12 and tabled at the Legislative Council on November 17. About 314,600 or 11. 3% of Hong Kongs employees will be effected by the change, with 61. 4% being women staff, 25. 3% employees aged 55 and above, and 18. 8% part-time workers, the governments information service department said. In July, Hong Kongs Legislative Council passed the Minimum Wage Bill without stipulating the actual wage and thereafter formed a committee to set the minimum rate.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Baroque Concerto Essay example -- essays research papers fc
The Baroque Concerto Table of Contents à à à à à Sectionà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Page Number Introductionà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 3 Emergenceà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 3 - 4 Corellià à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 4 - 5 Torellià à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 5 Conclusionà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 6 Bibliographyà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 7 à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Introductionà à à à à In simple terms, the word ââ¬Å"concertoâ⬠translates into ââ¬Å"concert.â⬠Motets by Vidana, madrigals by Monteverdi as well as works by Corelli and Torelli are all described by their composers as ââ¬Ëconcertosââ¬â¢. The Baroque era was one in which many different styles of music had been formulated. These differing forms of music were influenced mainly by several factors. First and foremost would be the religious thinking and beliefs of this time, along with changing attitudes in politics. These two factors influenced the form of the Baroque concerto greatly. Baroque music mainly covers the times between 1580 to 1750. à à à à à The first instance that the word ââ¬Ëconcertoââ¬â¢ was printed was in 1587 i... ... six concertos are stylistically advanced when compared to the first six of the set. This can be mainly accounted to the sequence of concertino and ripieno alternating and becoming one with the solo violin and tutti (Anderson 7). Finally, unlike what Corelli had used, Torelli favored the three-movement pattern, fast ââ¬â slow -fast. Conclusion à à à à à The music described as a concerto evolved into something that had the meaning of something different than what it was originally intended for. It contains qualities, which cause it to have a consistent popularity, which is basically caused by the constant integration of contrasting and to some extent combative forces within a coherent artistic framework.à à à à à Bibliography à à à à à Anderson, Nicholas. A guide to the Concerto. Oxford: à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à New York, 1988. Hutchings, Arthur.à à à à à The Baroque Concerto. Scribner and Sons, 1978. Gleason, Harold and Becker, Warren. Music in the Baroque. Frangipani Press: Bloomington, Indiana, 1998.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Haitian Revolution
Rationale The researcher chose to investigate this topic because she is solely interested I finding out why Haitiââ¬â¢s socio-economic structure deteriorated after the Haitian Revolution ended in 1804. It has always been the curiosity of the researcher to discover Haitiââ¬â¢s state prior to this major revolt and also to find out the factors which caused the socio-economic break down of the colony. This research seeks to educate the researcher and whoever may read it in an effort to broaden their knowledge on Haitiââ¬â¢s socio-economic structure and why it is the way it is.Introduction The Haitian Revolution was a strategy used by African slaves in Haiti to resist slavery. In the 18th century, Haiti was the richest colony in the entire Caribbean and was the largest market of cane sugar. They accounted for half the sugar used in the Americas and Europe; they also produced cotton, coffee and indigo which were also used in developing France socially and economically.Even though Haiti was very successful in its own and Franceââ¬â¢s economical endeavours, the strategy used was somewhat detriment as they applied brutal measures to the enslaved who worked on their plantations. According to Liberties Lost: Caribbean Indigenous Societies and Slave Systems written by Hilary McD Beckles and Verene A. Shepherd, it was the background of the civil war between the free mixed race and French communities and their mutual opposition to French domination, that those enslaved on the 22nd of August 1791, launched the greatest revolt for freedom from slavery ever known.Due to the revolt that lasted for thirteen long years, there was mass destruction in property, plantations and loss of many lives. These resulted in the break down of the socio-economic structure and further more the economy. This research will address the socio-economic state of Haiti or previously known as ââ¬ËSt. Domingueââ¬â¢ prior to the revolt and the factors that contributed to the deterioratio n of its socio-economic break down which will be used to prove that it was the Haitian Revolution that destroyed theà French colony. Haitian Revolution RationaleThe researcher chose to investigate this topic because she is solely interested I finding out why Haitiââ¬â¢s socio-economic structure deteriorated after the Haitian Revolution ended in 1804. It has always been the curiosity of the researcher to discover Haitiââ¬â¢s state prior to this major revolt and also to find out the factors which caused the socio-economic break down of the colony. This research seeks to educate the researcher and whoever may read it in an effort to broaden their knowledge on Haitiââ¬â¢s socio-economic structure and why it is the way it is.IntroductionThe Haitian Revolution was a strategy used by African slaves in Haiti to resist slavery. In the 18th century, Haiti was the richest colony in the entire Caribbean and was the largest market of cane sugar. They accounted for half the sugar used in the Americas and Europe; they also produced cotton, coffee and indigo which were also used in developing France socially and economically.Even though Ha iti was very successful in its own and Franceââ¬â¢s economical endeavours, the strategy used was somewhat detriment as they applied brutal measures to the enslaved who worked on their plantations. According to Liberties Lost: Caribbean Indigenous Societies and Slave Systems written by Hilary McD Beckles and Verene A. Shepherd, it was the background of the civil war between the free mixed race and French communities and their mutual opposition to French domination, that those enslaved on the 22nd of August 1791, launched the greatest revolt for freedom from slavery ever known.Due to the revolt that lasted for thirteen long years, there was mass destruction in property, plantations and loss of many lives. These resulted in the break down of the socio-economic structure and further more the economy. This research will address the socio-economic state of Haiti or previously known as ââ¬ËSt. Domingueââ¬â¢ prior to the revolt and the factors that contributed to the deterioration of its socio-economic break down which will be used to prove that it was the Haitian Revolution that destroyed the French colony.The Effects of the Haitian Revolution after it ended in 1804
Monday, January 6, 2020
Communication Technology Is An Intrinsic Part Of Our Lives
Technology has become an intrinsic part of our lives, we have become dependent on it. It can be said that we cannot survive without it. The electronics that the advancement in communication and network technology has provided us with has become a part of our bodies. The obvious effects of these advancements can surely be seen in our society today. Human relationships have changed quite a bit. The way people interact and behave was affected as well. Not only that but also the perception of human relations and feeling of intimacy has shifted or evolved from its pre-existing perception. Communication technology holds a special place in both Sherry Turkleââ¬â¢s and Adam Gopnikââ¬â¢s essays. In Sherry Turkleââ¬â¢s essay ââ¬Å"Alone Togetherâ⬠, she discusses what technology does to us rather than what it does for us. In her previous books she discusses what computer does to us and how people use computer to forge false identities for their own pleasure. In ââ¬Å"Alone Toget herâ⬠, she talks about how technology has taken both of these stories to a new level. In the Adam Gopnikââ¬â¢s essay ââ¬Å"Bumping into Mr. Ravioliâ⬠, he offers a close look into a specific modern American lifestyle, the life and behaviors of the New Yorker. He also deeply analysis the different perceptions of busyness throughout history. Later into his essay, he argues how the advancements of communication technology has changed the face of the society. He discusses whether it has made the community a better and a more connected placeShow MoreRelatedHow Video Games Helps Improve The Lives Of Thousands Of People Around The World895 Words à |à 4 Pagesthat help improve the lives of thousands of people around the world. One aspect of the challenge is to have really good solutions, but the biggest challenge (often ignored) is to ensure that solutions are accepted by the people who should benefit. 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